Wednesday, April 8, 2015

A Day in a Year in a Life / Day 098

08/April/2015, Day 098.  Wednesday.

Who came up with the spelling for "Wednesday"?

Our day started off a bit wobbly.  Technically these dramas took place last night, but they affected today, so I'll put them here.

It was VERY hot in the house, despite which we were all on the verge of sleeping, when suddenly Dodong vomitted, in the bed.  YUCK!!  We had to get up and clean him and the bed up, (as best we could), at which point Sweetie was ADAMANT that Grump stop being so darn kuripot and turn on the air-conditioner, for God's sake, before we all melt!!

Once the air-conditioner got going it was much easier to sleep, and Dodong didn't vomit again.  (Not that the air-conditioner and Dodong's vomitting have any corelation, despite what Sweetie insists.)

It was a warm, beautiful day here in central Georgia, but while Dodong, Kuya, (during recess), and Sweetie got to enjoy it, Grump did not.  As soon as he arrived at his desk he was slammed with work.  The pace didn't let up until nearly 5:00 pm.  He even worked during lunch.

Glad that such a grinding work day was over, once home Grump had a beer with dinner.  It was the first beer he's had since Dodong was born, (over a year ago!), and probably since Sweetie was last pregnant.  It was a San Miguel, and it was tasty!

A former co-worker of Grump's, from back in Columbia, SC, called him yesterday to let him know that his wife is ill, and needs some prayers.  So please, in your prayers today, ask God to help the sick women of Columbia, SC.  (Not only does God know who SHE specifically is, but God can also help ALL of them!)

Goodnight all.

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