Thursday, May 7, 2015

A Day in a Year in a Life / Day 127

07/May/2015, Day 127.  Thursday.

So why is Old Grump so darn grumpy anyway?  Could it be that he is tired of our constant spending?  Could it be that he is frustrated when month after month goes by, and he is still unable to pay off all the credit card bills?

To be fair, our credit card bills are inflated now because of a house repair, and some needed maintenance on Sweetie's car.  But it still hurts when, after squeezing out the pennies to pay as much on the credit cards as he can, Grump is hit with a request for $100 for a cousins wedding in the Phillipines.

Okay Grump ...... take a DEEP BREATH and relax.

$100 to celebrate a happy occaision, the start of a life together for two young people, is NOT A BIG FRIGGIN' DEAL!!  In fact, Grump should be happy that he is able to contribute.  What a fortunate position to be in, to be able to help other people!

You know what?  I think, since Grump was so uptight about this, that he ought to give more, maybe $120.  What do you think?

Goodnight all.

P.S.  -  There's actually more to this story.

Since early this week Sweetie had a strange desire to call her cousin.  She hasn't spoken to this cousin in years, so it was truly a strange feeling.  Finally curiosity, (or something), got the better of her, and she called.

When her cousin answered, the cousin immediately exclaimed, "Oh thank God you called!  We've been praying for more than a week that you would call us!  I'm just going to be direct and tell you: we really, really need money to help pay for my brother's wedding."

How about that?  Weird, huh?  I guess this is another example of how prayer works!

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