Sunday, June 14, 2015

A Day in a Year in a Life / Day 165

14/June/2015, Day 165.  Sunday.

Despite being Sunday, the day started early for us.  Grump was awake by 6:30 am, and by 8:00 am was out working in the yard, pulling weeds from around the air-conditioners.  Sweetie made sure he finished up in time to come back inside, shower, and get dressed for church, which we all attended.

After church several of Sweetie's friends and their kids came to our house for a quick brunch.  It was loud and chaotic here!  Sweetie and Lola had fun talking to their friends in Bisaya and Tagalog, and Kuya and Dodong had fun playing with the other kids. 

Grump hid in the bedroom and took a nap!

The visitors didn't leave until early evening, after which Grump and Sweetie went shopping to buy some food for Dodong, and a swimming float for him, for when we go visit Grandma and Grandpa in Atlantic Beach this coming weekend.

It was a pleasant day for all of us, as we each got to do what we wanted.

Goodnight all.

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