Friday, September 4, 2015

A Day in a Year in a Life / Day 247

04/September/2015, Day 247.  Friday.

It's late.  Sweetie dragged Grump, (and Kuya, whom she didn't have to drag), off to Bible study.  As the only non-Christian in the group, sometimes Grump says things that get the others excited.  He did it again tonight.

The issue at hand was reading the Bible.  Grump admitted he doesn't regularly read the Bible, because it's not really comprehensible to him, but he has noticed recently that many of the self-help, motivational type speakers reference scripture in their talks, and in a way he can understand.  That lead to an interesting discussion, the gist of which was the claim that to fully understand the Bible, you have to let the Holy Spirit into your heart.  (You can interpret that however you wish.)

Another interesting issue that was thrust upon Grump today, (CNN was highlighting it during the lunch hour on the TV in the lunchroom at work), was Gay Marriage.  Unlike CNN, Sweetie and Grump aren't 100% thrilled with the legalization of Gay Marriage.  Sure, there are benefits, and no sane person wants to impede the happiness of another, nor discourage folks from forming stable bonds with others.  The problem we see is that of unforeseen consequences.  Let's take another touchy subject as an example, Porn.  Now Grump enjoys looking at Porn as much as any other  male, but ..... do you think the ease of access to Porn is a good thing for society as a whole?  How about the attempts to normalize Porn as just another form of entertainment?

Is homosexuality just another legitimate expression of human sexuality?  Is pornography?  How about prostitution?

Some days Grump would probably say, "Yes, of course!  Who are YOU to dictate how another should lead his/her life?"  On other days ..... well, he's not so sure.

Let's drop this subject now, and go to bed, because as I stated at the beginning it is late.  We'll have to solve this dilemma tomorrow.

Goodnight all.

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