Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A Day in a Year in a Life / Day 251

08/September/2015, Day 251.  Tuesday.

I suppose I ought to just go ahead and dive straight into it: Grump and Sweetie went to parent-teacher conference with Kuya's teacher today, and Kuya is NOT doing well in school so far this year.

We don't know what the problem is, because Kuya was a start student last year.  But this year is very different!  He has flunked multiple spelling tests, and his teacher says he is often distracted or daydreaming during class.  It's as if he just doesn't care about school anymore.

He may just not be emotionally mature enough for first grade yet.  He certainly has the intellect; he proved that last year.  But his inability to concentrate on tasks the teacher gives him, and really to listen to her at all, is not promising.

He seems permanently distracted.  On one of his spelling tests he spelled the word "win" as "Wiiiiinng", with each "i" decreasing in size, and "pig" was spelled "poog"!

To be fair to Kuya, there may be some issues between him and his teacher.  But such is life, and it would be invaluable for him to learn how to get along, or at least coexist, with a person whose personality is a bad match for his.  Easier said than done, I know.  (Grump is almost 60 years old now, and he has yet to learn how to do this!)

The recommendation has been given to us to have Kuya placed back in Kindergarten for the year.  Sweetie is adamantly opposed to this, and Grump isn't too keen on it either, because he is afraid Kuya may be bored going through Kindergarten again.

So what to do?  Sweetie is of the opinion we should pull him out of his school and place him somewhere else.  That doesn't perturb Grump too much, because we are paying a ton of money for this private school, and if it ain't working, we should stop throwing our money away on it.  But then the question becomes where should Kuya be sent to school?

Any suggestions?

Goodnight all!

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