Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A Day in a Year in a Life / Day 266

23/September/2015, Day 266.  Wednesday.

Grump came home from work right after lunch today.  He had been feeling queasy all morning, and so when after lunch he told a coworker he felt like he might barf, his team lead told him to, "Go home!"  Of course, once home he felt a bit better, and never did vomit.  But he is definitely still under the weather, as he didn't eat much for dinner.

Sweetie had a bittersweet day.  She picked up some books Kuya had ordered from his old school, which until Kuya's new school starts will still stir up some sore memories.

We're still trying to find an easier way to get the trust and will documents recently prepared for us signed, other than going down in person to Jacksonville.  Why it is so hard to get a will or trust notarized in central Georgia is a mystery to us.

So how was your "Hump Day?"

For those of you who can't get enough of that camel, here's an extended remix:

.... and of course we can't forget when the camel goes to the movies!

All right, I think that enough of that!  Goodnight all.

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