Monday, January 4, 2016

2016/Jan/01 - better late than never?

2016, where art thou?

All right, I've had two people, (probably my ONLY readers), bug me about entries for 2016, so I'll continue to fill up the internet with drivel by posting to this blog.

Y'all made me do it!

New Year's day itself was quiet around here, because Sweetie and Grump stayed up past midnight.  Woo hoo!

WonderPoll question of the day:  Do you sing in the shower?

A bit, but then I pretty much sing and/or hum anywhere, especially while shopping.  (I HATE shopping; it makes the experience less painful, at least for me.  I can't vouch for those around me!)  I'd sing all the time at work, but I'd get in trouble, and it tends to make my coworkers (more) irritable.

Pic of the day:  my best friend Jeff participates every New Year's day in the Paris Mountain State Park Polar Plunge.  Last year he got first place for his costume.  This year he did even better, and got "Grand Place" or something like that.


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