Sunday, January 10, 2016

2016/Jan/09 - A Visit to the Bank

It's Saturday, so all is well.  Well, okay ...... not really.  We've had a rash of unexpected expenses recently, (car repairs, appendectomies, and now a new roof for the house), and as much as we hate to admit it, we are way over our heads in debt on our AMEX credit card.

So first thing Saturday morning we gathered up some paperwork and drove to the bank, to see about getting a loan to pay off some or all of this mess.  As it turns out, we can in fact get a second mortgage to cover our current debts, (and then some!), but it requires filling out some irritating paperwork.   Sweetie wants to go ahead and get the loan, but Old Grump isn't so sure.  He HATES debt, and believes we're just shuffling it from one account to another.

The rest of the day we didn't do a whole heck of a lot, mostly just sat around watching TV or playing on the internet until evening.  We went to bed very early, and all of us were soon zonked out.

WonderPoll of the day:  Would you rather talk like Yoda or breathe like Darth Vader?

Talking like Yoda was slightly more popular, but personally I'd rather walk like an Egyptian!

Peace y'all!

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